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tv   Headline News  RT  February 12, 2013 7:00am-7:28am EST

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north korea threatens even stronger measures off of defining international sanctions and conducting a nuclear test russia joined the condemnation and the u.n. is now set for an emergency meeting. iran says it's converting some of its uranium so it can no longer be used to make nuclear weapons and all of this ahead of the next round of talks with the un atomic watched on. the black bloc rising egypt's opposition becomes increasingly radical with a mosque a movement attracting support we were granted exclusive access to members of the secretive group. well i thank you very much for joining us here naughty today on life in moscow with
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your news from all around the world. russia has a strongly condemned north korea for carrying out an underground nuclear test and this as pyongyang threatens more measures in response to what it calls quote outrageous u.s. hostility the initial task has drawn a chorus of international criticism with the u.n. security council set to hold an emergency meeting get more on this. joining us live here on the program on state hello it's here in moscow i'm not sure if you can hear me all day you well we've got you here on the big screen apologies a couple of technical glitches let's talk about this so the third underground nuclear test from pyongyang russia is certainly one of the outspoken members of the international community criticizing this nuclear test how do you think moscow is likely to approach the secretive state of north korea on this. well very strong words from foreign minister sergei lavrov in terms of north korea and this test of
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a miniature on its nuclear device underground saying that the u.n. security council needs to react immediately we are expecting an emergency meeting this tuesday concerning this of course at the same time sergey lavrov talks about the need for diplomacy and dialogue and the need to be cautious in terms of how you deal with north korea saying that they're in no way can the balance or any kind of tension in the region escalate because of this so a warning really to the international community as well that we need to be careful but we also need to give a very very serious response to north korea we'll be reporting from new york of course when this meeting takes place later today on this reaction to this as north korea says this is only the beginning this test that they went on that took place underground the third test since two thousand and six is just the first step according to north korea in response to the u.s. what they call outrageous hostility they are promising
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a second and third step so the international community is really watching this who are you to much of the international treaties watching very closely indeed as you say you need to but when the when you mentioned a few moments ago how do you deal with north korea i had a guest on last hour and we were both discussing how there's been carrot sticking from the west for years now going back to the clinton administration the george w. bush administration as well and yet all sorts of sanctions or the threats and incentives and persuasions they don't seem to work how is the international community really going to get its act together on this. this might be the test that makes the international community wake up and maybe say with russia's help russia of course has been talking about this for years that it's not threats that works it's talking it's working through it this might be the the event that takes the international community through it perhaps there will be a breakthrough certainly there are different ways that we're seeing the world approach that let's not forget that this is seen as
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a direct message from the new leader kim jong un to president obama he is expected to deliver his state of the union and surely he will respond most likely with again more sanctions more isolation and what russia is saying along with some of its other part. strongly but is it ok now if north korea is really building up its nuclear capabilities its elation and thanks and the way to go and that's exactly what i think certainly behind closed doors what we can assume will be on the table at the u.n. security council today. all right aussies and he said over that live in central moscow thank you. well we've got to keep you up to date with a live timeline here and get you all the latest reactions and developments on the issue on our web site c dot com well the meantime are specialist assembly all the things that foreign sanctions will do little to stem north korea's nuclear ambitions believing that only negotiations are the only way to have a chance of working. i don't know anyone in the in the american
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new toppling really think they will and in fact they say what they claim they think they will say it's really uncertain no country really changes policy on the sanctions the alternative the boches been quiet that means worse than the sanctions and that is the case that. north korea in the sense could could surrender to could acquiesce to american arms. but that in fact narrow eyes worse than what the americans can do to them was anxious so they will they will persevere. there will first appear until the americans and the negotiating table. whether that will happen because look the matter. well there it out here we're always interested in your opinions on our current events and over the website r t v dot com we are asking whether north korea should
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pursue nuclear technology to safeguard its national security if we can all bring up the numbers right now from. and i'll let you know how you're voting at the moment here we go the numbers are changing every hour the majority now thinking well yeah north korea does have a right to pursue national security through nuclear weapons because well just ask saddam hussein what happened to him coming in now at thirty percent second positioning where their reasoning is flawed due to ideology and the current a tough situation coming in now with the third part that's eighteen percent now for the third position no they are mad men in north korea asking for war and the bare minimum now saying well they wish they had been left an alternative but we always love it when you get involved with our stories on dot com we're still taking your votes on the web site for me for the meantime down now to iran which is also condemned the north korean nuclear test calling for all atomic weapons to be destroyed that's iran itself has revealed its reducing stocks of material but the
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potential of becoming weaponized and with another round of talks just around the corner however a breakthrough may not come quickly enough for some iranians who are seeing their health by international sanctions a report on that is just ahead. a pleasure to have you with us here on our to today egypt's opposition is turning more radical as protests become increasingly violent and i kist movement of mosque
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men calling themselves the black bloc now attracting more supporters threatening islamist authours he's in the sparking fears of a possible all out street war we were granted exclusive access to meet the group's secretive members let's find out more live now with our correspondent bill true he was standing by for us in cairo at the moment and good to see you today thanks for coming on so quickly how active and how popular is this group at this point do you know. this mysterious group a pair around the second anniversary of the five evolution when they released this statement saying they would fight the mizzen brotherhood and they would strive for the goals of the revolution around about that time we started seeing a young man in black but a car was courting themselves the black bloc and they were heading up the more militant side of the revolution we saw them making monitor offs on my facebook pages they were giving instructions to the street fighting it taking responsibility for
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a number of the acts of civil disobedience such as stopping public transport and also have said they were responsible for the burning of muslim brotherhood headquarters of some of them this of course has sparked much criticism from the authorities including the base of brotherhood and that the t.v. channels the prosecutor general and twenty ninth of january i said they were a terrorist group on that they would be arrested if they were caught red handed our team managed to secure interviews with this members of the secret organization. of the black bloc is an idea that came about as a reaction to the negligence of our peaceful demands and also as a reaction against the oppression of the interior ministry which received orders from the regime we stand against the oppressive and tyrant regime we call upon the interior ministry to deliver justice for those who have been killed and we will continue our demands until they are met our actions are in self-defense we are protecting ourselves but have never attacked anyone and we will always be present in egypt so even after or demands are met however we will take on
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a different form of the aim behind our presence is to prevent injustice in any form no one listens to our demands and the proof is the number of people who are being killed. now bill for the meantime though egypt is marking its second anniversary since the toppling of hosni mubarak with certainly violent clashes and tear gas we go to the gas we're getting all the reports what's the latest from where from where you are now. who. more planned protests today the focus of today is for women's rights ought to there's been a number of reports of a very violent sexual assaults on women in particular female protesters on by. five pm we're likely to see mass marches here supposed to be a global protest of course we had marches yesterday to mock had the stepping down of the ouster of hosni mubarak this is organized by coalition of different opposition forces there a number of marches focused particularly in the capital coming to the presidential
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palace and her square the focus of the violence was that once again at the presidential palace and we witnessed a lot of tear gas and also protesters using monitor during them at the palace in this show of anger there was also a number of reports all of those similar protests happening down in the south of the egypt and egypt second city alexandria although the only conscious that we had reports of were by the presidential palace we expect to have a lot more on the horizon with the protests probably possibly this friday or of course i want to go through in the region thanks very much indeed for that report. well egypt's police in the meantime have been ordered to arrest any member of the black bloc which under the new constitution is considered a violent group all thrown journalist ramzy baroud things organizations like this sprout up well they do tend to happen ultimately because the country is so polarized. for the last two years egypt has not been allowed to have
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a strong central government that is capable of pushing the political process forward and thus the economy of the country the social cohesion and everything else as a result you have this huge vacuum and this polarization and that is allowing egyptian society to be open for exploitation what has been happening is not exactly a popular a new unified popular uproar against the addicted bitter but rather a political polarization that has swept through the country for the last two years reaching the point of both sides justifying violence against one another and as it is you have this this increasing number of casualties some of it indeed due to police brutality and there is a possibility that in fact that the are outside those who are trying to further fuel to the fire that is already. taking over egypt at least in the urban centers
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from cairo to boresight it's a phenomenon that i think resulted from the frustration disenfranchisement and just the general feeling of betrayal that the youth of egypt are feeling right now the issue is not the black bloc in particular but why would the even appeal to the youth of egypt in the first place unless there was that vacuum and there was that the need that was it created by the lack of sensuality and the lack of confidence in the political process in egypt with her coming from the government or from the so-called opposition. this is the program here that talk about a magnet for migrants the u.k. is attracting more than any other european country this according to the latest you used to test its it's a multicultural trend. the white british overcoming a minority all reporters on just a few minutes here on oxford. i'm a big speech with little space for some crucial issues president obama prepares his
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state of the union address focusing on the prosperity of the average american but tara wreaked by the drone strike and we have expert opinion after the break. we'll look at. technology innovation. developments from around russia we've. covered. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then. you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you. are welcome to the big picture.
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more news today. these are the images and seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are the day. this is on the iran said it's converting some of its enriched uranium into reactor fuel into a me to reduce concerns over the exact aims of its nuclear program and whether it a rule poses a threat or uranium conversion means iran is slowing the build up of material which could potentially be used to build nuclear weapons and the move comes on the eve of
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a new round of talks with the u.n. nuclear watchdog which wants to carry out more in-depth inspections iran denies its developing atomic cover of a civilian nuclear program and that's not enough to stop severe international sanctions which are hitting the iranians or even many of those who are in dire need of medical care. behind this smile lies pain and despair a bass and they run in with blood a cancer has just received his medicine but there is no guarantee he'll get it tomorrow all the best jokes about patients being patient but sadly has no choice. it's so hard to get treatment these days it's not that i don't get any at all but you have to wait a long time and if you get it that only means someone else has missed. the reason for the drug shortage sanctions imposed by western countries with public they're not directly targeting the from a city called
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a medical sectors but they have bangs the case trade restrictions. unfortunately many foreign companies stopped selling us drugs they're not allowed to have cribbed relations with iran and people predict price with their lives. iran's officials warn it may have an impact far beyond its borders. if we have a disease or pedantic and are unable to vaccinate the population it could spread easily to neighboring countries and the third to many outside iraq. iran produces ninety six percent of its own medicine but the roma to roles for half of them come from abroad more than fifty vital medicines have disappeared from the running pharmacist international sanctions came in because the foreign in britain c m a from can no longer make their way into iran people with cancer and team ophelia wait often ending with bad news that their drug is not available their chances of
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survival are getting ever slimmer as sanctions heat patients instead of politicians officials estimate a total of six million iranian patients could be in danger because of the drug deficit in the vendor local and international media reported on the first death apparently caused by the shortage if in. teen year old boy who suffers from hemophilia couldn't get the medicine he desperately needed despite a frantic search by his family and he died in hospital on. the west apply in new strategy now they tried sanctions on the military sector they realized we actually started making progress there but they wanted to weaken destabilize the country and the government is their aim this is why they now target people so that people get angry and take to the streets protesting i think. and people indeed take to the streets this is a meeting of organ donors and some whose lives have been saved by transplant is
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a process now complicated by the like of medicine for that. i thank god and the donor who return me to life i had heart problems and now his heart beats in my chest and i am again why but the problem is that many too many are still waiting surgery became extremely expensive and the number of donors decreased will they have enough time. to run in doctors find themselves facing a very hard to to ration having to decide who will get the medicine and who will not in desperation they wrote an s.o.s. letter to the un chief they're still waiting for an answer brief an ocean r.t. from iran. right what i have to check out our website r.t. dot com for many other stories from all around the world let's have a look and see what we've got a few the rights now for example the deadly and mysterious a corona virus which sparked a global alert last september it's back in the u.k.
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potentially fatal mutation infection has killed five people so far with fears of more to come. also online for you a family threatens to sue d'sibny land after allegations of racism this off the claim is that a man wearing a white rabbit costume refused to hug an african-american boy or those details as well on our web site. the u.k. is the top destination for migrants in europe recent figures show around six hundred thousand came to live in britain in one year alone it's a trend which worries many with democracy experts predicting that white british people could be a minority within fifty years or when it comes to the issue of demographics on your approach from london where they already happen to live. it's what britain is known
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for a vibrant multicultural society and it looks like u.k. babies are testimony to it in east london seventy seven percent of new mums were born in britain nicoletta is from romania two thousand and seven five been here when my husband together so. i'm through him to sit cine recently moved here from sri lanka and it is a big. deal that it's more dear. zahra has three children i was born in bangladesh they get. a good living standard of living so here prefer to live in. oversea london is so ethnically diverse that white britons and now a minority here as well as in three other british cities between the years of two thousand and one and two thousand and eleven nearly four million immigrants came to the u.k. as part of an immigration boom under the former labor government at the time
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westminster said that britain needed working migrants to propel the economy this is tower hamlets in east london a third of the residents here a bangladeshi in fact they outnumber the white brits in this area by two thousand people so if you want to just say that they're baffled at just how quickly the number of indigenous brits has diminished over the past decade some put it down to a case of white flight they say that caucasian brits are moving out of the country's most diverse areas there are people in this country. who simply don't want people because of the color of their skin. in the city but there are a lot of genuinely decent people who do have. even the labor party has discovered recently that the vast majority of people is right those who would. naturally. for the labor party have conserved and that's something that no
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government can ignore the leader of the opposition labor party recently admitted that his party got it wrong on immigration under those laws style we were too quick to say like it but the truth is the public were ahead of us in seeing some of the problems of migration because they were seeing them in their own communities. and they were ahead of us in seeing the costs of migration as a whole poll after poll shows that the people living here are worried about the speed and the size of the influx. for my opinion i don't think you. need more immigrants at the moment. critics say the government is too frightened to address what person will look like in fifty years time it's going to look like. it's going to be
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a complete population. the indigenous population is shrinking anyway the younger generation and the younger generation is becoming increasingly radicalized and i think it's probably. twenty twenty five twenty possibly civil war demographers say that if immigration continues on a similar scale the white british population throughout the country will become a minority after twenty sixty six but with less than half of london is already describing themselves as white british some say that a quiet and irreversible revolution has already taken place in britain. azzi east london. barack obama is preparing for his big primetime speech on tuesday his first state of the union address since israel action its main focus will be domestic issues economic recovery gun laws and immigration their
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foreign policy will not be in the spotlight despite controversy over many issues including secretive u.s. drone bombing campaigns on the subject of human rights lawyer stanley cohen he says that these targeted assassinations ultimately translate to mud. we're not at war in pakistan we're not it war in yemen we're not at war in lebannon we're not in war in somalia if you want to clear war if you want to follow international law if you want to make your case you play by the rules the fact of the matter is no matter what you call this it's murder it's assassination it's illegal we're talking about murdering civilians we're talking about attacks by drones in countries that are our allies if there were a person is there that we are want that are wanted american citizens yemenis citizens pakistanis citizens somali citizens for crimes here you go to the countries yeah extradite him you charge him you bring him to trial the united
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states under international law cannot must not enough to no stretch of the imagination is justified in the use of drones in the execution and the extrajudicial assassination of not just americans of anyone overseas for years we have charged people we have extradited people we've indicted people we've convicted many people charged with crimes of terrorism and it's worked before but this is an administration which is a namrud with clean murder with clean killing that's what president obama likes and now we're just trying to clean it up further. the ins and the ounce of the world the big money can be on the microscope that will be next to not see the kaiser report is just around the corner.
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some countries want oil but that's kid stuff who needs oil when you could secure the world's largest supply of trucker daryl so-to look at exclusively in sweden and he did sweden for absolutely no. logical reason is a possible you say well supreme commander of the swedish armed forces general sphere guru and son must have watched red dawn too many times because he thinks the russians are a common general durance and declared that if invaded by russia sweden wouldn't be able to last a week against the onslaught therefore sweden must immediately join nato he said that currently it is not quite possible to invade sweden but due to the two thousand and eight war with georgia it is possible for russia to somehow push through established european borders bring their forces up to sweden's gates putting the generals country in danger but guess what according to your own council of the european union georgia started the war so by that logic if the two thousand .


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